There was the royal beauty secret of young maintenance men-toned in the book Qian Jin Prescriptions by Sun Simian in Tang Dy-nasty Dated to Wu Zetian era, in order to maintain a state of beauty and younger appearance with peak state and the full energy to manage the government, a hundred medical technicians was preparing to take care of the Empress Wu daily, helping to relax and in-vigor ate Empress Wu’s body. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi was also a fan of royal maintenance technique.
There were numerous health technicians in the palace to keep her look younger and beautiful, and t is rumored that she was still in re-rejuvenation without any white hair in her 50s.
Many people are interested in the above skeletal reduction technique, so that long-standing Royal Engraving by hand has inherited for thousand year and has opened a new beauty era.
Based on human aesthetics, modern Chinese medicine and anatomy, the Royal Engraving technicians reshapes the bones and body by the hands and systematically shapes the human face spine pelvis, body, limbs and internal organs to shaping and homing, restore to optimal physiological state. Make the human body reach healthy beauty, natural beauty and harmonious beauty.

遂古之初,谁传道之? 上下未形,何由考之? 追溯求源,自古有之。挖掘唐代中医集大成者药王孙思邈著述的《千金药方》中提到的宫廷秘法驻颜术,早在武则天时代,为了容颜不老,维持巅峰状态一统朝政,宫廷百名御医每日随侍在侧,保持筋柔骨正,活血养身。